Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Book Fair



and we have received our first delivery of new books.


Thursday, 6 March 2025

World Book Day


St Joseph’s Primary School Celebrates World Book Day with Creative Dress-Up

In a celebration of literacy and creativity, St Joseph’s Primary School marked World Book Day with children invited to come to school dressed as a ‘word’; bringing language to life in a vibrant and imaginative way.

The school was alive with children transformed into colourful walking embodiments of words, such as triumphant, iridescent, fatigued, spotty and storm, to name but a few. From "sparkling" princesses to "enchanting" wizards, the costumes were as diverse as the words they represented. All this sparked curiosity, conversation and excitement throughout the school.

Children from Emerald Class dressed up in costumes that represent the words: 'retro', 'spotty', 'soldier', 'wizard', 'dazzle' and 'storm'. 

In the morning, a ‘reading swap’ was organised so that children in KS2 joined our children in KS1, Nursery and Reception to share a beautiful moment reading with them.

St Joseph’s also hosted a Scholastic Book Fair giving the children an opportunity to use their World Book Day £1 book token to either get a £1 off a book of their choice or swap it for one of the especially published World Book Day books.

Junior Librarians celebrating World Book Day at the Book Fair

As the day ended, children gathered for a special assembly where they joined in with a quiz and shared their creative alternative book covers. Prizes of book vouchers for the book fair were awarded to the winners of the best book covers. It was a fitting conclusion to a day filled with creativity, laughter, and a shared love of books.

The children all agreed that they had the most magical, fun day sharing their favourite books.

Executive Headteacher, Miss Clare McFlynn, expressed her delight at the creativity displayed by the children, stating, "World Book Day is a wonderful opportunity for our children to celebrate the joy of reading and language.”.

Book Fair



has now been collected.

You have helped us get FREE books for our School Library.

Thank you to everyone!

Friday, 28 February 2025

A Robot in the Library


Junior Librarian, Cillian with our library robot

Our Junior Librarians, Sadie and Cillian from Amethyst Class have been hard at work with our digital lead, Mrs Suliga, preparing a robot to enhance our library experience.


They have been busy coding the robot to be able to assist children with recommending books to read.

Junior Librarians, Sadie and Cillian, coding library robot

Sadie and Cillian launched our library robot, BOOKYKID, this week in the library to classes.

They demonstrated how BOOKYKID will be able to suggest books according to Year group and genres.


Cillian and Sadie unveiling BookyKid in the library
                                                                                Just ask


and you will get some brilliant suggestions from BOOKYKID.

Cillian and Sadie as part of their junior librarian responsibilities will be running lunchtime workshops to demonstrate to children how our library robot works. 

We are so excited to welcome our very special library assistant!





Thursday, 27 February 2025

Book Fair



has arrived!

Our celebrations for WORLD BOOK DAY have begun.

Classes have been visiting the Book Fair during the school day and the children have been 
enjoying looking at the books and making Wish Lists that they can share at home.

Every child will receive a World Book Day £1 Book Token that can be used at the book fair or swapped for one of the World Book Day books either at our fair or at your local bookseller. To find out more about World Book Day log-on to worldbookday.com

If you wish to purchase any books from the Wish List you can pay for their chosen books using the online payment system at www.bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/pay. Please make sure the Wish List is returned to school so that the books can be given to your child.

Children will be able to bring money to purchase books on the day that they are scheduled to come to the Fair. Please provide the money in an envelope clearly marked with their name and class and give it to your child, teacher or the school office. 

Payments can be made at the fair using contactless and cash.

You can purchase gift vouchers or make payments online. Go to www.bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/gift-vouchers to buy vouchers. Please let the school know what books have been purchased online so that we can give them to your child.

Remember when you buy one book we get one FREE for the library!


Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Book Fair


Thursday 27th February - Thursday 6th March

Come and visit before or after school
8:40 - 9:00am & 3:00 - 3:45pm

Find us in the New Conference Room

Each class will visit the Book Fair during school and will be able to bring in cash to purchase books on that day. Please put money in an envelope clearly marked with your child's name and class.


1. By card via card reader machine or using the online payment link at 


and simply selecting your school from the menu.

2. Pre-paid gift vouchers are available. Go to 


to buy vouchers for your child before the Fair.

3. If you can't attend the Fair in person, your child can order books via a Wish List which they will get when their class visits the Fair.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025


Arriving this Thursday 27th February

HELP earn free books for your school.
Remember every book you buy means that we get a book for our library.

Thursday 27th February 2025
Thursday 6th March 2025
 New Conference Room

Open Daily 
8:40 - 9:00am & 3:00 - 3:45pm

Follow this link to your invitation scholastic-book-fair-invitation-spring-2025-2299252.pdf  

We look forward to seeing you all.
