Thursday 29 September 2022

Open Morning for Parents


to our 

As part of our welcome back to school for our existing and new Parents/Carers we held open mornings for each year group. 
Presentations on our school and the learning for this year were given by teachers. 
The school librarian, Mrs Rooney, gave a short presentation on the school library. 

Our library has a digital management system called the Reading Cloud. It is a reading resource that allows pupils, staff and parents to access eBooks and audiobooks. Our digital library has been funded by the GET ISLINGTON READING initiative.

Each child has log-on details which are either given to them in school or sent home by the class teachers.

Following the presentations Parents/Carers were invited to visit the school library.

To access the Reading Cloud and to find out more about the library, please go to the News tab on the school website

We hope that you find this facility to support your child’s reading, both educational and enjoyable. If you have any questions please contact the school librarian, Mrs Rooney, at 

Thank you for visiting our school library!

National Poetry Day - Competition


Thursday 6th October


Reading Cloud


Encouraging Your Child’s Reading for Pleasure:  Our new school OVERDRIVE digital book collection now available on our online READING CLOUD library management system.

Our school is strongly committed to improving literacy and knows the importance of reading for pleasure.  There is good evidence to suggest that young people who read for pleasure daily perform better academically.  We want to encourage children to enjoy reading and to read a wide range of good quality literature.

The Reading Cloud is our online library and reading resource that allows pupils, staff and parents to access our digital book collection and read eBooks and listen to audiobooks. Our school library catalogue can also be viewed and pupils are encouraged to use this resource to help with research, to write reviews about books they have read, blog about what they are reading and their favourite authors and search for new books.

Each child has a username and password which has been either given to them or sent home by their class teacher.

To access the Reading Cloud and to find out more about the library, please go to the News tab on the school website

We hope that you find this facility to support your child’s reading, both educational and enjoyable. If you have any questions please contact the school librarian, Mrs Rooney, at

Thursday 8 September 2022

Library Timetable

 Welcome back!

Here is our new library timetable for our weekly class sessions.

Borrowed books to be returned or renewed each week during class visits to the library or at lunchtimes.

Lost and damaged books can be paid for on Parent Pay. Please contact the school office.
